Vivy Yusof, seorang personaliti yang dikenali ramai dalam bidang fesyen dan bisnes beliau telah memberi inspirasi dan nasihat kepada individu yang mempunyai keinginan dan minat untuk berjaya.

Beliau telah memuat naik pandangan beliau di Instagram bagaimana untuk berjaya dalam hidup.

When people say “Do what you love”, I always disagree. Not everyone knows what they love and not everything you love should be something you pursue as a career (I love scrapbooking till today but it was the worst business I tried to do 😅). This is why people start feeling entitled, because they have the mentality that they should only do what they love, not what is difficult, challenging or uncomfortable. And maybe even why people start getting depressed if they can’t seem to find what it is they “love” and think life is unfair. I always say “Love what you do” instead – whatever you have, whatever job you’re already in, there’s a reason why your life brought you there. Give it a chance – be grateful and open your heart to love it. Hopefully you’ll start seeing the beauty and work will never feel like a chore anymore. #sistengahdeep (Wearing Luxe Basics silk scarf and Poof volumiser @theduckgroup from @fashionvaletcom) #fvootd #vivyootd

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Beliau berkata lagi, kita haruslah menyukai sesuatu kerja kita sekarang walau apa jua kerja yang kita lakukan dan sekiranya pekerjaan kita sendiri kita tidak suka bagaimana kita hendak berjaya dan maju dalam hidup.

Dalam kehidupan seseorang pasti akan turun dan naik namun sebagai seseorang yang mempunyai semangat yang tinggi untuk berjaya dalam hidup, dia pasti dapat harungi segala rintangan dan begitu juga dengan Vivy Yusof.

“Wise words..Agree with you 100%..Need to tell that to the younger generation #sisterhood.”

“ Memang deep sangat Vivy..setuju dengan You..💕💕🔥🔥.”

“I agree with you. That is exactly what my believe and practise has been. Always worth it. To me “love what you do” means we are happy doing it and when we are happy, result is easily achieved.”

Rata-rata netizen bersetuju dengan kenyataan beliau di Instagram dan menjadikan itu satu kata-kata nasihat yang sangat bernas untuk kehidupan yang baik.

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